Friday, November 29, 2013

Chapter Review

Complete Chapter Review Questions on pages 56 and 57.

Test Wednesday December 4th.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Career Connection: Microbiology

Lesson #7

We will research careers in Microbiology 
Research a career in Microbiology, report on the following information: page 55 text
a)                  The education required for the career
b)                  A place of work
c)                  A description of possible main ideas

d)                 A recent important discovery in the field

Literacy Connection: Comparative Paragraph

Lesson #6

Write a comparative paragraph distinguishing between Mitosis and Meiosis

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Cell Division

Lesson #5

Learning Goal:
We will learn about Cell Division
Assignment: Draw a diagram with the phases of Mitosis, include labels in each phase.
Success Criteria:
·         We will draw each phase neatly
·         We will label each part in each phase
·         We will explain what is happening in each phase

·         We will learn the parts of the nucleus (chromosomes)

Monday, November 18, 2013

Cellular Processes

Lesson #4

Energy is required in the following cellular activities:
·         growth
·         transport
·         repair of damage at the cellular level
·         reproduction

·         cellular respiration

Friday, November 15, 2013

Multicellular Organisms

Multicellular Organisms

Cell Specialization: When a variety of types of cells perform cellular functions, these cells must react with other types of cells in the organism in order to complete their tasks. There are specialized plant cells such as xylem cells in the root and there are specialized animal cells such as human muscle cells. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Unicellular Organisms

Lesson # 2

We will research unicellular organisms
Learning Goals: We will research a unicellular organism of our choice.
Success Criteria: 
·         We will learn its habitat
·         We will learn how it moves
·         We will draw a diagram of the unicellular organism
·         We will label the diagram of the unicellular organism
·         We will learn about its life cycle
·         We will learn its life span
·         We will learn what it eats
·         We will learn what organisms eat it
·         We will learn how it gets energy
·         We will learn its defense mechanisms
·         We will learn what effects it has on the environment

Length of assignment: No specific requirement.
Date of the assignment: 1 week to complete.

Typed or hand written.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Cellular processes sustain living things

Learning Goals:
We will look at unicellular and multi-cellular organisms
We will learn about cell specialization

We will describe plant and animal cell processes